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QPL Approval - Thermion SafTrax TH604/TH604CF (Chrome Free), Qualification QPL -32577

Machine Element Wires

Arc spray wires are highly versatile, with significant crossover between applications. Wires that are commonly used for hard-surfacing can also be employed for machine element applications, making them an excellent solution across industries.

Ground Machine Element Coatings

For machine element arc spray wires, achieving precision is often critical. After the “as-sprayed” arc spray coating is applied, it can undergo further processing. This includes either single-point tooling or wheel grinding, depending on the required specification, to bring the coated component to its finished dimension.

Efficiency of High-Production Arc Spraying

High-production arc spraying is a cost-effective alternative to cladding or welding. It saves time and money by allowing coatings to be applied thick and quickly, significantly reducing application time and labor expenses. Unlike other processes, arc spray wires require only electricity and compressed air, further driving down application costs.

Benefits of the Cold Arc Spray Process

An additional advantage of arc spray technology is that it is a cold process, meaning there is no heat distortion to the substrate. This ensures that thermal spray coating machines can apply coatings without compromising the structural integrity, dimensional accuracy, or heat treatment of components. These properties make machine element arc spray wires ideal for delivering durable and consistent thermal spray coatings in even the most demanding environments.

Machine Element Wire Options

Product Name Product ID/
Data Sheet
Composition Size Available Packaging
Cobalt TH006 Cobalt Chrome 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25 lb Spools
Steel TH109 Carbon Steel 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25 lb Spools
TH335 Fe Al 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25 lb Spools
TH351 High Chromium Carbide 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25 lb Spools
Nickel Series TH200 Nickel 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25lb Spools
TH204 Nickel Chrome Aluminum- NiCrAl 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25lb Spools
TH205 Nickel Aluminum 95/5 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25lb Spools
TH208 Nickel, Aluminum, Moly 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25lb Spools
TH218 Nickel Chrome 718 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25lb Spools
TH221 Nickel Aluminum 80/20 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25lb Spools
TH220 Nickel Chrome 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 30lb Spools
TH225 Nickel, 625 Chrome, Moly 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 30lb Spools
TH229 Nickel, Chrome, Titanium 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 30lb Spools
TH235 Nickel Iron 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 33lb Spools
TH246 Nickel, Aluminum, Bronze 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 30lb Spools
TH257 Nickel Copper 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25lb Spools
TH267 Nickel, Chrome, Moly 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25lb Spools
Stainless 300 Series TH310 Stainless Steel 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25lb Spools
TH316 Stainless Steel 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25lb Spools
TH318 Stainless Steel 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25lb Spools
Amorphous Alloys TH450 Chrome, Niobium, Nickel 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25lb Spools
TH451 Amorphous 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25lb Spools
TH456 Chrome, Nickel, Moly 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25 lb Spools
Stainless 400 Series TH420 Stainless 420 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 33lb Spools
TH457 Tungsten Carbide Amorphous 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25 lb Spools
Aluminum TH602 Aluminum Silicone 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25 lb Spools
Tin TH799 Tin 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25 lb Spools
Moly TH899 Moly 1/16", 2MM, 3/32" 25 lb Spools

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Nickel Thermal Spray Wires

Nickel Thermal Spray Wires (TH225)

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